1. Union with Christ
We believe our union with Christ is our central truth of salvation and a foundational revelation for believers.
Triune mystery
The unity of God in the Trinity reflects the glory of believers’ union with Christ.
Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension unite humanity with God through the Holy Spirit.
This union opens up possibilities for humanity and creation to be transformed and renewed.
Eternal union
Believers are considered to be in an eternal, unbreakable union with God through Christ, expressed as “We are in Christ, and Christ is in us.”
2. Unity of the church
We believe our union with Christ affirms and fuels our unity as the church through Jesus’ prayer, living in unity, and through the work of the Spirit.
3. Jesus is our Lord, lens, and lane
We believe that believers are to submit, see, and act as followers of Jesus, fully immersed in His life and mission.
Jesus is our:
Jesus is our sovereign, and believers are called to submit to His authority and leadership.
Through Jesus, we view the church and the world, shaping our perspective and understanding.
Jesus provides the path we walk, guiding our actions and mission.

4. The true story of scripture
We believe the Bible is a cohesive narrative rather than a fragmented collection of isolated stories and teachings. This gives us:
Holistic perspective
We approach the Bible with a holistic perspective to grasp the overarching themes and purposes of God’s redemptive plan.
Declaration of God’s word
We want people to understand the text in its context through our preaching of God’s word, and hope they find their place in God’s story as His people on mission, pointing to the day He will return.
Story arc
We see a clear story arc of Creation, Fall, Israel, Redemption, Church, and Restoration.
5. The body of Christ
We believe the church is the body of Christ, a Spirit-breathed, interconnected body with various gifts and roles.
We believe the body exists in:
Empowered church
We recognize and empower all gifts within the church, ensuring every member’s contribution is valued.
Mutual submission
Submitting to Christ and to each other, we function as a unified body.
Fivefold leadership
All leadership gifts are still active and needed to serve, support, and structure the body of Christ.

6. Multi-ethnic family
We believe the church is inherently multiethnic. Jesus broke down walls of hostility, enabling His church to display this diversity.
A picture of heaven
A diverse church provides a glimpse of heaven on earth, representing all nations, tribes, and tongues. It is our prayer and to be a picture of Heaven on earth.
Commitment to diversity
We believe to experience a glimpse of diversity requires dedicated prayer, strong leadership, and intentional effort.
Intentionality in decisions
This isn’t about quotas or metrics, but about deliberate leadership and decision-making that shapes our culture and influences our outcomes across all of the Beloved Communities.
7. Mothers and fathers
We believe the unity and roles of men and women are essential for the church to be a healthy family. In this family, we envision a church where mothers and fathers contribute their gifts, allowing the family of God to flourish.
We believe in:
Mutual submission and service
Distinction, equality, and unity among men and women are rooted in mutual submission and shared authority, reflecting the nature of God and harmony in creation.
Church family roles
We believe it is essential for men and women to lead together at every level of the church’s governance. Each congregation may embody this in unique ways, provided it does not result in the exclusion of either women or men from this partnership. We are committed to promoting and upholding a spirit of “Mutualism” in our community, encouraging accountability and shared responsibility in all that we do.
Ordination and roles
While men will continue to be licensed and ordained. Support for the ordination of women as ministers and pastors is crucial, recognizing their essential shepherding roles within our community.
8. Covenant
We believe covenant is the backbone to the redemptive story, it provides the structural framework upon which relationship with God and others is held together.
Relational and personal
Unlike a contract, which is transactional, covenants are relational and personal. They are often marked by oaths, signs, and ceremonies, rooted in love and involving defined devotion and commitments.
Covenant with God
This is a foundational aspect of our relationship with God, signifying a sacred love and commitment from Him to us. In response, we humbly commit as His covenant people.
Covenant with others
Reflects our community relationships, grounded in mutual desire and devotion. We operate in a place of biblical covenant with each other, uniting the community in love and commitment.
Church as a covenant family
The church operates similarly to the institution of the family, covenantally uniting to birth and sending new covenant families. This institution is intentionally different from those of the world.
9. Revelation embodied
We believe when God opens our eyes to the reality of who He is, becoming the soil from which all our relationships and ministry of reconciliation start, are sustained, and bear fruit.
Our shared revelations:
Distinct, equal, one
Through the revelation of the Trinitarian God, we understand what it is to be distinct, equal, and one.
Relationships reflecting revelation
We aim for our relationships to mirror the union between the Father, Son, and Spirit (John 17:21-23). God’s people are distinct (diverse, unique, different), equal (mutually submissive, honoring each other, sharing in divinity), and one (united, known in relationship to each other).
Diverse church
A church rooted in this revelation will recognize each other’s gifts, practice mutual care, live as family, and experience a unity that is a manifestation of heaven on earth.
Reconciliation fruit of revelation
A united church has wide branches where the birds of the air can find rest. The church’s mission in the world includes reaching out, sharing tables, and displaying God’s kingdom. This church is on mission and a rooted community spreading its branches of hospitality to the nations.